Posterous theme by Cory Watilo

Looking for a Few Good Devs

At Yieldbot we're a small team building incredible technology that's getting major publishers and advertisers hooked. We're always looking for the best technical talent to join our development team and work with us on getting to the next level, and as CTO I think it's only fair that you know what we're looking for. :-)

What you need to know:

  • We're a small talented team looking to become a bigger talented team.
  • We work on tough interesting problems, use cutting-edge "big data" technology, and enjoy winning.
  • We're working on revolutionizing how web advertising works.
  • This is gonna be big.

What we need to know:

  • You like to solve tough problems and have a history of winning.
  • You can code in a few different languages and are expert with one of them.
  • That language is Python or you are py-curious.
  • You want to make big contributions on a small team and build a valuable business.

Some  technology stuff:

  • Python's big here, but we rock Clojure and Javascript too.
  • We use Django. Bonus if you know it, but if you don't it ain't so hard.
  • We wrestle some serious big data, and use Hadoop to do it.
  • MongoDB and HBase compete for our love.
  • Chef and the Vagrant knifed Puppet and we've never been the same


If you're a fit, dust off your Python and contact us:


''.join(map(chr,map(lambda x:x[0]+x[1],zip(map(ord,str(dir)),yieldbot))))